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Remain faithful in giving your tithes and offerings. Now would be a great time to try online giving. If you are not comfortable with online giving, please continue to write your check or set aside your cash in an envelope which can be mailed to the church office or dropped in the mail slot on the office door. Mail to Trinity UMC, PO Box 606, Lenoir City, TN 37771
Online Giving Option: You may give online with your credit or debit card or PayPal. Just follow this link to Trinity's PayPal account. Please include a note if you want your donation directed to a specific fund.
Generosity: There was a time in my adult life that I did not give to God through the church tithe. We were at First Broad Street in Kingsport, and they were having a Stewardship Campaign. After a couple of church members visited our home, God laid it on my heart how very selfish of us not to tithe. I looked at my checkbook, it was an actual checkbook back in the day, and realized how much money I spent on frivolous things. God’s grace through Jesus Christ is more abundant than any of us can imagine or understand. It really broke my heart that I had been so unfaithful to our God of generosity. Allen and I sat down and talked about giving our tithe, and we made a change in our lives that we have never regretted. Later, I learned that not only should I give my tithe, but mission donations to the church are over and above my tithe. It brings joy to our hearts when we can help others who are in true need.
I was out to lunch with my Mom and my Aunt. My Aunt was getting ready to tip the waitress. She said, “I never give more to a waitress than I do to God, or my tithe. It dawned on me at that point that some- times that is what we do, we give more to our waitress or waiter than we do to God and the ministries of the Church and the Conference. Perhaps it’s time to give God a raise. What if we had never received a raise in our lifetime?
These are some of the reasons I told Sandra it was okay to have my tithe taken out of my paycheck. First and foremost, I can’t teach what I do not lead. God asks for our “first fruits,” not what is left over. Also, when we give to the Holston Conference tithe and missions, we are supporting the Methodist Connection and we are able to spread the Gospel to “the ends of the earth” in ways we could never do otherwise.
Thank you for your faithfulness in giving! Linda