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This article discusses the sources, uses, and opportunities for YOUR monies donated to Trinity. Our congregation lives out the call “to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world” in our own context – the wonderful and unique combination of God-given human and material resources with the needs of the community, within and beyond the congregation (From Guidelines: Finance 2017-2020. Copyright © 2016 by Cokesbury. Used by permission.)
If you have ANY questions about the budget, designated funds, or want to donate for a specific purpose, please contact Treasurer Mike Pearce at any time.
Trinity is blessed by not having any outstanding liens or mortgages to repay thanks to good financial management by previous church leaders. We also have endowment accounts with the Holston Foundation (1) to fund the scholarships we award each year AND (2) fund the pastor’s housing allowance because we don’t have a parsonage rental house income is also part of this.
Our monetary resources are divided into BUDGET (day-to-day operating funds for the church), BUILDING FUND (set aside for major church expenditures for the building or grounds), and DESIGNATED FUNDS (donated for a specific purpose). These funds are described below, and you may make donations to any fund listed in BOLD.
First, every Christian should TITHE, the offering of your “first fruits” to God’s Kingdom. Your TITHE goes to the BUDGET for operating expenses such as salaries, utilities, insurance, lawn maintenance, pest control, fire monitoring, office/kitchen/custodial supplies and other expenses paid on a regular basis. You may also make a budget donation in honor or memory of a specific person. Any additional donations should be over and above your tithe.
You may donate directly to the BUILDING FUND for large expenditures. Our building, contents, and grounds are held in Trust by the United Methodist Church organization, and it is our responsibility to maintain them for the safety of our congregation and visitors and for the glory of God. In late 2020, the heating unit for the area above the Fellowship Hall (nursery, Parlor, etc.) failed. It was more than 25 years old. This was replaced in October 2021 (since Winter is on the way) at a cost of $5,800. The balance remaining in the building fund is $3,000, but this fund needs to be “resurrected” again for future needs.
DESIGNATED FUNDS are donated for a specific purpose – partial list:
Benevolence—funds to be used at the pastor’s discretion to aid church members or others in the area with emergency needs.
Missions (local such as the Good Samaritan Center and Santa’s Helper and Conference Advances such as UMCOR and South Sudan)
Specific operating expenses including Altar Flowers, Utilities, and A/V needs
Apportionment payments (Apportionments are Trinity’s tithe to the District and Conference to uphold our
Connectional Ministry)
HVAC improvements (these funds are spent before BUDGET funds are used)
Building Improvement Funds (used for small, unplanned maintenance items such as repairing the Nursery
Room ceiling)
Memorials (funds in memory of a loved one held for a future need such as worship banners or replacement
of carillon (chime) outside speakers)
Marketing – for community outreach, Trinity is purchasing a color ad for our beautiful church in the Loudon County Living Guide published by the Loudon County Chamber of Commerce – we are trying to “get the word” out about Trinity.
There are many other funds. You may donate to the budget or any other fund in honor or memory of a loved one or someone you admire.
PLEASE ask when you have questions and THANK YOU for your continuing donations to Trinity’s vision of making new Disciples for Jesus Christ.
Copyright © 2025 Trinity UMC Lenoir City - All Rights Reserved.