Trinity UMC Lenoir City
300 West Second Avenue
Encountering God,
Sharing Jesus,
Engaging Community
Worship at 11 am Sunday
Signed in as:
300 West Second Avenue
Encountering God,
Sharing Jesus,
Engaging Community
Worship at 11 am Sunday
Trinity's Mission and Outreach team is busy throughout the year identifying and working to meet needs in our community and work through the Holston Conference to respond to needs in the region and around the world. We partner with Lenoir City Schools Family Resource Center, Good Samaritan Center of Loudon County to meet needs in our community. We also identify and seek to meet needs in our church and community Go to our missions page for more information about how you can help.
Usually, Trinity United Methodist Women meet on the first Monday of each month in the Fellowship Hall at 10:30 am. The February meeting will be a "field trip" to Susannah's House in Knoxville. Meet at the church at 9:15 to carpool. All are welcome to joing us. TUMW Membership is open to all women who want to join us in miission and study. Our primary mission fund-raiser is our annual rummage sale - Grandma's Attic. The sale is held on the Friday and Saturday after Labor Day with proceeds going to meet the needs of our neighbors in our own community, our region and beyond. For information on the activities of the United Methodist Women, link to our page:
Trinity United Methodist Women
Our habitat House is almost finished! A homeowner has been selected — James McClain of Lenoir City — and house dedication is currently planned for Sun Feb 23 at 23
Four Churches have partnered for this build, Central UMC, First Farragut UMC, Loudon UMC and Trinity UMC. The build site is at 501 West First Ave, Lenoir City just a few blocks from Trinity. If you want to be part of this or future projects in anyway, contact the church office and you will be referred to one of our coordinators, or use the prayer request form below to send a message.
We practice Yoga in the Fellowship Hall, 10:15 am every Thursday. The session is about one hour. There is no charge and everyone is welcome to attend.
Donations for Wesley House Food Pantry: The UMW will continue collecting cans of Vienna sausages for the Wesley House the first Sunday of each month. They are also currently in need of jars of peanut butter and canned tuna (dolphin safe). Please place donations in the baskets in the education hallway. Thank you!
If you are looking for a church home where you will find love, affirmation and acceptance, come and see. Learn about the United Methodist Church at the link below.
For more News, Events and Announcements, read our monthly newsletter at the link below.
Faith is more than what happens on Sunday mornings. It's a part of who we are, inside and out. At Trinity UMC Lenoir City, we believe in growing as disciples in order to share the LOVE of Jesus Christ with our community and the world.
300 West 2nd Avenue, Lenoir City, Tennessee 37771, United States
Worship Online on our Worship page or at our YouTube link
Sunday Activities:
Sunday School 9:45 am
Choir Rehearsal 10:30 am
Worship 11:00 am
Pastor: Rev. Linda Bass
Music Director: Warren Clark
Organist: Walter Hines
Pianist: Marilyn Peterson
Admin Asst: Sarah Jane Raymer
Sexton: Walter Hines
Office Hours:
10:00a - 2:00p, M-F